Saturday, February 21, 2009


Extemporaneous: 1. done unrehearsed, 2. prepared but without notes, 3. skilled at speaking unrehearsed, 4. makeshift

That about sums up how I tend to go about life. Not that I LIKE it that way, it’s just the way it seems to work out! I invite you to join me during my ramblings about my wonderful habit/hobby of digi scrapping, amateur photography, life with teenagers, a grumpy husband, a wonderful dog, and my hectic job that blurs the line between home and office on a constant basis!


  1. Blogging is super addicting! :) Enjoy it!

  2. My blog is a work in progress. Maybe I need Brenda to attack it as well! Yours is great!!!! I see you have already been there--Turtles and Roses, my two collectables. Off the wall I am so I'll be here often.

  3. I see you have visited my blog, Turtles and Roses. It is a work in progress and needs some of those large signs and maybe yellow crime scene tape. Maybe I need Brenda, too. Love what she did here. I'll be back. You can tell I am off the wall. Looks like fun here.

  4. Love your blog Amy!
    I'm just off to link you in my blog roll too.

  5. Love your blog Amy.
    Brenda's goodies look awesome.
    Just off to add you to my blog roll too.

  6. Love your extemporaneous look! Wonderful!
    I've started my blog, but I'm afraid to invite anyone over until I have it decorated!


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