OK – I had this idea the other night for a business. You see, my husband has been working disaster recovery for a FEMA contractor since November. He’s been paying a laundry service to wash his clothes each week – I didn’t ask him how much & he didn’t tell me (maybe he’s afraid I’ll start charging that much for every load of laundry I do for him)! He was complaining that his clean clothes didn’t smell good and I noticed they were not as soft as they usually are (he came home once with a pile of clean clothes once – he begged me to re-washed them).
So I was thinking that maybe a traveling laundry service would be a good idea! There would have to be a couple washers and a couple dryers rigged up in a semi. Is that even possible? I would think so – if NASCAR can rig up a trailer to be ready for quick car repairs – surely you can rig up a semi for a couple washers and dryers? It would have to be a semi – that way you could go to the disasters – our customer base would be the FEMA contractors and subs. We’d just need a water source once we got where we were going.
Scott says it would never work – none of those guys would pay for their laundry to be washed. They’d rather sit at a local laundry mat for hours and feed their quarters into the machines. If the price was right I bet they’d let someone else do the laundry! Time is money too – and no one really likes doing laundry!
Amy they do have this service !!! After the hurricanes in Florida a lot of the time I think it is GE or Tide comes around with washers on a simi and you can wash them for free. So I would think it could be done as a business too. GO for it !!!!!