Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mozarella Sticks - from scratch?

Yes - do not try this at home!! I got a new cookbook last week and have been salivating as I read through the recipes – I even spent $460.00 at the grocery store on Sunday! (We really were out of everything though.)

The recipe in the book has a scrumptious photo of perfect, restaurant looking mozzarella sticks – so I had to try it too. Well, the breading got all wadded up, egg mixture was everywhere, and the breaded cheese stick looked nothing like the picture! They’re back in the freezer and I’m going to try again tomorrow – using a long, flat pan for the egg and the breading. Maybe they’ll turn out better if I roll them through the breading?

I’ll definitely post the end result photos. In case you are wondering what terrific cook book I am so excited about, it’s the Gooseberry Patch’s Family Favorite Recipes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Extemporaneous in Action

Too bad my mind doesn’t work as fast as my mouth! Today I had the unfortunate experience of finding myself on the other side of a conference table, defending my choices to get work done. It was not a good feeling, my defense wall went up. I was overwhelmed – it felt very much like an ambush. I ‘ve already thought of a great way to defend myself – because tomorrow I’m going to back up what I claimed today with the numbers to prove it. I may have been caught off-guard this afternoon, but tomorrow is another story!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yummy!! A layout you can use!

Chocolate Magic Mix anyone?

I made this LO with Polka Dot Plum's Brrrr! kit and an alpha by Pamela Donnis - I believe it was on IKEA Goddess' blog as a freebie!

I tried to use a clear/clean font for the ingredients and directions but you can always send me a message if you'd like the directions. I got the original recipe from University of Wisconsin's Extension. I'll have to look it up on Monday.

The kids and I made this Chocolate Magic Mix one year for presents for teachers and friends. Of course it was so good that we had to make a large amount to keep here - but it didn't last long!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Extemporaneous: 1. done unrehearsed, 2. prepared but without notes, 3. skilled at speaking unrehearsed, 4. makeshift

That about sums up how I tend to go about life. Not that I LIKE it that way, it’s just the way it seems to work out! I invite you to join me during my ramblings about my wonderful habit/hobby of digi scrapping, amateur photography, life with teenagers, a grumpy husband, a wonderful dog, and my hectic job that blurs the line between home and office on a constant basis!

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